Friday, 17 July 2020

5 bad habits that interfere with weight loss

5 bad habits that interfere with weight loss

Genes Play A Role In Triggering Obesity, But So Does Your Diet: Study -  NDTV Food
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Instead of following an indiscreet diet, seek expert opinion to tell you the right diet for you.

In this article, let's look at 5 bad habits that interfere with weight loss.

Weight loss may be one of the most common goals that many people want. However, too much obsession with losing weight and bad habits associated with, it can cause various problems both physically and psychologically.

We often try a lot of weight loss methods, some of which are done incorrectly or are not suitable for our body.

First and foremost, it is important to have a healthy lifestyle.
10 Important Tips for Maintaining a Healthy LIfestyle -
 5 breakfast rules for managing your weight
  • Balanced diet
  • Exercise (at least 3 times a week)
  • A good night's sleep (at least 8 hours during the night)
Second, seek advice from a trusted doctor. It is also helpful to see a dietitian or physical health professional who helps with the weight loss process.
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Lastly, it is important to avoid bad habits and make anxiety not overwhelm us.
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When trying to lose weight, be careful not to spoil everything with a rather bad habit!

5 bad habits that interfere with weight loss

1. Filter breakfast

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As you  know that , the most important meal of the day is breakfast that help us to start our day happily. It may sound boring, but it contains a lot of truth.

After a long break, eating breakfast will activate your metabolism, energize your body, and help your body prepare for the day.

Nevertheless, many people skip breakfast to lose weight.
21 Healthy Breakfast Foods | SELF
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In fact, skipping breakfast changes the metabolism and results in more weight loss. Rather, the body mass index may be high.

2. Indiscreet diet

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Of course, the diet consists of the foods we eat all day. The first recommendation focuses on a balanced diet, that is, eating healthy.

It's a good idea to eat all types of foods to lose weight or to stay healthy. However, vegetables, fruits and white meat are particularly recommended.

One common mistake is to adopt a senseless or strange diet. It refers to a diet advertised by weight loss methods such as “miracle”.

This type of diet is simply empty promises, profits from people's ignorance, and risks the health of those who desperately want their goals.

Diet for Diabetics - Best Healthy Diet Plan for Diabetics Patients - Author  Bench
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3. Lack of sleep

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One of the most basic and essential principles or habits for good health is a good night's sleep. Therefore, it is important to sleep in a quiet and comfortable environment.

If you don't sleep well or don't get enough rest, you're likely to feel uncomfortable and settle down the next day.

An unbearable desire to eat all types of food all day long may also appear. Logically, this interferes with weight loss and negatively affects the body.
5 ways depression affects your physical health | Health and Fitness |
 Healthy Breakfasts to Lose Weight Fast

4. Eating alone

Eating alone could be making you unhappy, finds study | The Independent
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Eating alone may not only feel a bit boring, but it can also seem a bit lonely or awkward.

Also, these habits tend to make you eat more food per spoon.

As a result, you eat faster when you eat alone than when you eat together. This can prevent you from losing weight because your food is not digested properly.

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5. Sedentary lifestyle

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One of the most harmful habits to humans is the sedentary lifestyle. This is not only a habit that interferes with weight loss, but also creates conditions that are prone to chronic disease.

Of these, obesity is most prominent. Obesity is one of the most dangerous diseases because it causes death and many other complications.

Obesity, the Growing Health Concern in India and the Need to Tackle it -  NDTV Food
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Therefore, the World Health Organization (WHO) recommends exercising at least three times a week.

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